

This is my first ever post on this site. I'm quite nervous because i don't write in English very often. I am trying to improve my English skills and what better way dan to create a blog about the thing i love most! Harry Potter.

I fell in love with the series when i was around the age of 10. I read all the books and watched all the movies. It was only after the last film came out, i really  became obsessed with the series. Right now, i spend hours per day looking up bits and bobs about the series. My phone is getting so full with al this information so i decided i would take all the content of my phone and place it on a blog for others to read.
Just a little disclaimer: Most of the information on this website won't be my own. Because i've print-screened almost all information, i am not always sure about the original author so keep that in mind. And again, English is not my first language and even though i try my best i can't assure everything will be flawless (as you probably can tell).

This is it, i hope you will enjoy my writing and my view on the world of Harry Potter. I will share every pease of information i come across and i hope you enjoy reading my blog.

Greetings, M